Some friends of mine and Husband’s are expecting their first child at the beginning of next year, and they had us over for dinner at the weekend. We were going through the usual baby-related chit-chat (and I swear, I have tried to lay off of baby-talk as I know it’s maddening for a Mum-to-be to have the same conversation with every single person she speaks to) and we got to the subject of shopping. Or more accurately what they were planning to buy, to prepare for their new arrival.
Continue reading “The True Cost of Parenting”Tag: guilt
My Overactive Guilt Gland
I should probably have been born a Catholic.
Nah, screw that, I’m far too lethargic/apathetic to remember to pray all the time and go to church every week.
But I do have a guilt complex of which a Catholic would be proud.
I feel guilty about EVERYTHING.
You know when you eat a can of baked beans? If I leave even one bean in the can when I empty it into the saucepan (oh alright, microwave dish, I’m not shit-hot enough at being a wife and mother to use metal saucepans to heat things in. But I digress…) I feel actually properly guilty about leaving that one bean, alone. Alone and unable to fulfill its life purpose as a baked bean, which is to be eaten by my child.
Continue reading “My Overactive Guilt Gland”